PANDASIA improves research strategy towards understanding and preventing pandemics
The PANDASIA Work Package 4 initiated an internal workshop at Umeå University from February 26-27, 2024, to identify critical processes and parameters for integrating data-driven models and delineating key components, steps to improve models for pandemic prevention.
The two-day activity was aimed at strengthening feedback mechanisms across work packages specifically Work Packages (WPs) 1 to 4, contributing to the understanding and prevention of pandemics. Work Package 1 (WP1) focuses on human and societal factors impacting zoonotic spillover risk, Work Package 2 (WP2) investigates wild and domestic vertebrate hosts and environmental factors, Work Package 3 (WP3) identifies previously unrecognized pathogens with spillover potential, and Work Package 4 (WP4) integrates data-driven models to enhance pandemic prevention strategies. The workshop marked a significant progress towards understanding and advancing pandemic prevention. The convergence of ideas and insights essentially led the PANDASIA research team to finetune the research strategy, clarify the modeling objectives and facilitate collaborative and focused research efforts.
An innovative approach to collaboration was established among the different working groups, ensuring cohesive progress in achieving the tasks of work packages. These outcomes pave the way for a clear roadmap of PANDASIA activities in 2024.