
PANDASIA develops novel transdisciplinary approaches to help predict, analyse and model viral pathogen spillover potential from One Health (OH) and EcoHealth (EH) perspectives based on community driven co-created interventions and communication strategies to improve pandemic and health literacy and preparedness among at risk communities and public health authorities.

PANDASIA: การเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลเพื่อจัดทำแผนที่ผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียของชุดงานที่ 1 ในพื้นที่จังหวัดจันทบุรีและพื้นที่จังหวัดเชียงราย ประเทศไทย​

PANDASIA: การเก็บรวบ


Determining the most important wild and domestic vertebrate animal hosts of importance for spillover in each study location, assessing their presence, abundance, diversity (WP2)

Identifying previously unrecognized pathogens with spillover potential, specifically targeting viral groups in vertebrate animal hosts for which there is strong precedence for viral occurrence and emergence in the region (WP3)

Developing POC virus test kit prototype for use by healthcare providers and professionals to identify spillover at the earliest stages to prevent epidemic or pandemic spread (WP3)

Developing ecological, epidemiological and evolutionary conceptual models to enhance understanding of the significance of the general principles and pathways of spillover processes, and to guide the development of a data-driven model. (WP4)

Co-creating and implementing pandemic literacy and preparedness interventions in selected communities together with the communities and local public health authorities (WP5)

Pursuing communication, exploitation, and dissemination (CED) initiatives (WP6).

To foster exploitation of project results, PANDASIA will bring the knowledge and tools developed into practical application, such that the uptake of insights by decision makers will lead to development and pronouncement of more effective public health policy. On dissemination, PANDASIA will make project results accessible to potential users like the scientific community and industry that may build on the results in further work on research or innovations.